
Monday, February 23, 2009

The Balancing Act

What is the matter with our country? As I am soon going to be swallowed into the realms of the judicial system, I feel what is happening in Chennai is wrong and that, the advocates should get back to work. Protests can be made in a more refined, calculated and orderly way. Resorting to physical violence is not the answer. The fact that ADVOCATES set a police station on fire is appalling. The country would be better off if the judiciary just concentrated on dealing with cases before it. With a sky rocketing number of cases still pending, disposing them and moving on, on one hand and simultaneously voicing their support for a “just cause” by way of a petition is a far better way of achieving their ends. Their current portrayal as hooligans is only going to make the general public loose its faith in the judiciary all over again.
I have been battling between what I should finally get into, should I join the corporate sector when recession is around or should I join litigation when the court is not functioning half the time? Well the balance ain’t tipping!!!!!